What are the risk factors and causes of hair loss?
As we already know, hair loss has many causes and what causes your hair loss can determinethe risk factors. It also includes whether your hair starts falling abruptly or starts thinning.Therefore, it is essential to know the cause immediately to prevent permanent hair loss. VCarehair care clinic offers many hair care treatments in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and manymore locations in south India. VCare Trichology is a renowned hair speciality hospital with an expert team of trichologists,surgeons and hair doctors. Ms Carolin Praba Reddy heads this highly qualified team of hair careexperts. She is well known as one of India's top 10 leading trichologists. One personalizedconsultation at VCare can help you get effective hair loss treatment and prevent further hair fallor hair loss. Our hair treatments include, Hair transplantation Biocell therapy Scalp micro pigmentation Hair rejuvenation therapy Platelet-rich plasma therapy Activated follicular transplant C...