How to prevent hair loss problems?

Is it possible to prevent hair loss? Though you can't reverse natural balding, you can protect your hair from damage that may eventually lead to hair thinning and hair loss.

Losing hair is part of a natural cycle of growth and replacement; if the hair is not replaced with a new one, that is a  problem. You can follow a few hair care tips discussed in this article to prevent hair damage and loss.

Avoid hairstyles that pull on the hair & Avoid high heat hair styling tools:

Hair usually is flexible, but hairstyles like cornrows, ponytails and tight braids can pull your hair away from your scalp and loosen the bond between your scalp and hair over time. Using heat while styling your hair leaves the follicles dehydrated and vulnerable to damage. So it is best to avoid certain hairstyles and hair straighteners, hairdryers and curling irons to prevent hair damage that causes hair loss.

Brush properly:

Brushing your hair regularly can increase blood flow to the hair follicles. However,  make sure to use soft hair brushes with fibres that naturally stimulate healthy sebum (oil) levels on your hair.

While brushing your hair, apply full strokes, starting at the scalp to the tips of your hair to distribute the hair's natural oil. Be gentle, and avoid over brushing or brushing your hair when wet. It is best to use a wide-toothed comb on wet hair.

Choose products wisely:

Sometimes, Harsh chemicals like sulfur in hair products can leave residue on the scalp or trigger allergic reactions resulting in hair loss. So it is mandatory to choose the right product which is safe on your scalp. When it comes to VCare hair products, You need not worry about this aspect!

All the VCare products are entirely safe and free from harsh chemicals.

VCarealso provides a full spectrum of hair regrowth treatments and services to help our clients gain confidence and build a healthy lifestyle.

Many of us are not aware of VCare hair care products that protect your hair and help in regrowth.

VCareShikakai Shampoo - It can be your go-to daily hair cleansing and conditioning product. Filled with the goodness of Shikakai,  It helps you achieve the ideal quality of hair.

VCare Herbal Hair Oil - The new and improved VCare Herbal Hair Oil has 12 natural herbs and a synergistic blend of advanced ingredients that can control dandruff, prevent hair loss, and stimulate hair growth.

VCare Head & Body Shampoo - It is a 2-In-1 product ideal for both men and women. It has colloidal silver and neem extracts that provide double protection to your scalp and body.

VCare hair tonic is an advanced formula enriched with bioactive materials and Korean red ginseng extracts that nourish the hair from the root to the tips.

VCare Hair Growth Vitalizer – It comes with the goodness of hair oil but without stickiness.

And there are many more hair care products from VCare, which you can surf and shop online at

It is possible to prevent going bald if you notice it early enough. All you need is the right amount of care and fantastic VCare products.

Even if it is too late, VCare Hair Clinic is here to help you with the best hair fall treatments, Hair regrowth treatments and Hair transplantation treatment in Chennai.


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